Tag Archives: Tangled

Review: Tangled Ever After

While listening to ABC’s Dancing with the Stars for the online blog PureDWTS where I am a blogger… there were commercials running for the new DVD / Blu-Ray pack for Cinderella. Typically I zone out these commercials and continue working until something else piqued my interest. Namely the fact that the Disney short film “Tangled Ever After” was to be a part of it.

Say What?!?!?!? Now I loved Tangled when it first came out… so much so that I bought the DVD and watched it a few times since, but now? Yeah… it was a music watch… so here!

Needless to say… I loved it.
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Entertainment: Disney Stained Glass

I just loved this so much that I HAD to share via the blog: The Mary Sue

Have fun trying to figure out who is who (though most would be pretty obvious).

The Disney Hunger Games

So I finally read – or more accurately, listened – to the Hunger Games and while I gather my thoughts on the first book of the series here is a little gem for the Disney fans out there:

I take no claim in creating this…

In any case… the creator of this little gem provided their reasoning as to why they chose the set up that they did… But like everyone else out there, I have a tendency to pick it apart and analyze the work. So here are my thoughts (if I disagree) with the creator’s original thought processes:

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