Tag Archives: Starbucks

Recipe: Any Starbucks Ice Cream

A friend of mine came to visit one weekend and on the way had stopped by to get some coffee at a Starbucks, he called me to ask if I was interested in anything. Promptly I replied that I wanted the following order:

Tall inside a Grande White Chocolate Mocha Frappucino with extra Whipped Cream and Javachips

Yes, I know I am terribly picky. I blame the “yuppie” in me.

Anyway, he brought the drink, and by the end of the evening I found that I never touched it and it was starting to melt quite a bit.

Since I was too lazy to drink I figured I would turn it into ice cream… and how did I achieve such an endeavor?

Well… In addition to the “Tall” drink… which I am going to approximate as about a cup and half… I also added:
– 3 cups of heavy cream
– 1-1/2 cup of honey powder (or sugar if you’d like)
– a dash of vanilla extract

Mix together, toss into an ice cream churner machine and go to town.

Time to make Starbucks coffee ice cream. Fairly simple mix and I ended up with quite a bit of ice cream that I ended up giving away and the response to said ice cream was overwhelming positive.

Seriously… sometimes I feel like I could just toss anything together and chances are it would come out good in the end…