Tag Archives: PureAmericasGotTalent

UPDATE: PureTVNetwork and other Odds and Ends

So… with the announcement of the pairings on the Monday directly after the Olympics in London ended I have been hard at work not only posting the pre-season elimination predictions to include the announced professional partners, but on the PureDWTS Predictions: Professional Partners page that is housed on my personal blog.

I have also been going back in time and working on the previous seasons to see if there is any possibility of overscoring in comparison to past seasons.

Hopefully I’ll get all this done prior to my leaving the country and heading to the other side of the world to visit family for a spell.

In the meantime head on over to Pure So You Think You Can Dance and Pure America’s Got Talent for some of my other postings since both will start up this week now that the Olympics are over.

Over at the Pure TV Network blog, any updates I may have in regards to NBCs the Voice will be posted.

UPDATES!: Blogging in General and Beyond

So… I haven’t blogged on my personal site as much as I would have liked… and I have been busy… very very busy.

For the most part I just comment on what I see, where I went and what I do… I purposely avoid anything extremely personal mainly because that’s something that should remain close to my heart… In time that might change, I just haven’t decided how or when quite yet.

Until then this is what I have been up to and what to expect from me down the road.

PureTVNetwork: PureDWTS, PureSYTYCD and PureAmericasGotTalent
Blogging… probably one of the major things that is really keeping me busy during my current sabbatical from the theatre world. Since the summer is where two of the more popular shows: So You Think You Can Dance and America’s Got Talent are on and as thus I’ve been focusing the majority of my free time in creating new pages so there are references for the readers to follow… the majority of that work is almost complete so I could go back and focus on a few projects that I have had planned for the past couple of months for Pure Dancing With the Stars… hopefully that will wrap up within a few weeks.

In the Fall when NBC’s The Voice returns I will be adding that to my blogging dance card over at Pure TV Network. There are rumors of another blogging opening within the network… but I can’t reveal the exact nature until a later date. But I can say that it is SYTYCD related.

Working behind the Scenes:
Granted I jump away from the stage to be working on adapting a short story for the stage and learning about the technical side of the theatre… but as for actually being on stage… let’s just say there are quite a few shows I’m looking into possibly auditioning.

In the meantime I am learning about sound design/engineering from a technically advanced guy in the field and am learning alot… hopefully, overtime, I’ll learn a bit about lighting design as well as stage management from that group in the upcoming months.

Writing, Writing, Writing:
Well… I submitted a movie proposal earlier in the summer and was gently rejected due to other plum projects… which is ok, I didn’t expect anything to happen. In the mean time I am working on adapting a work from Ray Bradbury’s The Illustrated Man for the stage… as for when that is going to be put onto the stage is anyone’s guess.

There are a few other writing projects that are on hold or in the editing stages, time permitting. But considering my six week sabbatical from theatre is almost up… who knows if I’ll ever get to them in time.

Outings and Reviews:
There have been quite a few audiobooks that I recently listened to and will be re-listening to soon. So expect a long list of Literary Reviews to be posted in the coming months. Also I have seen a few shows in the community theatre world so I will be posting my impressions on those productions in due time as well.

I think that’s it… Yes, I’ve been busy. Yes I am planning on traveling… Yes, I am now working two jobs. But you don’t see me complaining do you?

Reflection: Since my original top ten “bucket list” is done… Now what?

This has been bothering me for a few years, a few as in the past three or four years… why? Well, let me explain:

While I was in college, I created a “Top Ten” bucket list that I felt was semi-realistic and would be something that would keep me busy for decades to come… right… “decades”. More like “decade”… as in one, as in less than a decade. Granted anyone that knows me well, know what I really want out of life… but in the meantime a bucket of things to do in the meantime would always help… right? Right… little did I know.

I have always believed in the willingness of trying anything at least once, possibly twice just to make sure the first wasn’t a fluke. Then, if it turns out to be something I truly enjoy, then I’ll pursue the activity further in the future, possibly bring more people into coming with me. If in the end it just wasn’t my cup of tea, then at least I could say that I gave it a shot. I mean think about it… If everyone did as much as they could just once in their lives they would find hundreds, if not thousands of things they could be interested in and pursue… Instead of just staying in a small little circle.

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Blogging: DWTS Season 14 – Pre-Cast Announcement

Tomorrow’s the cast announcement for Dancing with the Stars Season 14 and I’m excited. Why? Because I get to bring my writing background and combine it with my love of ballroom dancing and crunch numbers up the wazoo… I swear I should have been a statistician or actuary at this point, but I digress.

In previous seasons of Dancing with the Stars at the PureDWTS.com weblog I would post my pre-season predictions of who the numbers say would be eliminated in what order. For more information go to my post DWTS Season 11’s Who has the Edge?: Part 1 and Part 2. If you’re curious here were my pre-season elimination predictions for Season 12 and Season 13.

Now if you’re wondering how did I get myself into this… let me tell you.

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