Tag Archives: Disneyland

Recipe: Dole Whip!

So for a surprise anniversary party for a friend, the friend’s husband asked me to recreate Dole Whip as found at Disneyland, WDW, the Disney Resorts… etc.

A quick search online provided a lot of recipes of Dole Whip as others have attempted to recreate the feat, not a simple task. Searching some more revealed that the Disney companies actually use a pre-made mix for their Dole Whip that worked reasonably well.

The original recipe:
– 1-1/3 cup of Dole Whip Pre-Made Mix
– 2-2/3 cup of cold water
Mix well then pour the mixture into the ice cream machine and let it churn.
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Reflection: Disneyland Trip (Pre-Posts)

Two months ago, myself and a bunch of friends got together on the West Coast to celebrate the birthday of a mutual friend. There was two contingents showing up in the Magic Kingdom which included one from Chicago and another in the Los Angeles area.

To say I had fun is an understatement… I truly enjoyed myself… however, I also became ill during this trip and as thus was in bed half the time as well. Ah well.

So how am I to break this down? Well between Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure there is a lot to go through… so I guess I will try it this way…
Part One: This will deal primarily with what happened pre-Disney Birthday Day. Arrival, hotel, planning, hanging out… etc.
– Part Two: Will be devoted to what was done during the big birthday day, what we did together… what happened when we all splintered off… etc.
– Part Three: Disneyland. Anything not covered in Part Two from Disneyland would be covered in this particular post
– Part Four: Disney’s California Adventure. There were a couple of moments that myself and a friend ventured off into DCA since she was only going to be around for a day. So this post would be devoted to whatever I was able to do outside of Part Two (which is a lot).
– Part Five: What I Missed. Regrets, things I wanted to do that I didn’t get to do, or things I wanted to get but didn’t for various reasons. This might include the supposed trip to L.A. that never happened.

Yeah… it is going to be rather lengthy series and I probably won’t get to everything right away… but the hope is that I will be able to sort through all the photos and have all the videos uploaded so that I could actually get this going.

And since a few people that missed out on the trip are looking for details… well here is my perspective, but for starters if you missed the original post here is a little something that came out of the trip: Men’s Musical Pants… *evil cackle*