Tag Archives: blogging

Possibilities: So Now What?

After several months of being busy non-stop during the days and evenings both on weekdays and weekends I suddenly find myself in a position where I may actually have time to kill.

So now what?

Well… if you have read a few of my previous posts I have left clues here and there as to what I could possibly have on the back burner:

Ever since Seth Rudetsky’s off chance comment of turning the musical Chess into a movie… my imagination has been going into high gear of inspiration of various writing projects that I wanted to get back into or desiring to start again.

Also with various reality television shows coming back in March… my blogging endeavors will take over once again particularly for:
NBC’s The Voice: Monday, 25 March at 7:00 pm Central
ABC’s Dancing with the Stars: Monday, 18 March at 7:00pm Central
And hopefully (time permitting) NBC’s new matchmaking reality show:
NBC’s Ready for Love: Sunday, 31 March 7:00pm Central

Where could you find the above? Well my posts for Dancing with the Stars you can find over at Pure Dancing with the Stars aka PureDWTS.com and all the other would be at Pure TV Network aka PureTVNet.

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Fleeting: Why Do I Blog?

Well the easiest answer would be that blogging is a simple way to keep my writing skills up to par… or just below par all things considered.

Then again, I was talking to an acquaintance of mine who was thinking of creating a blog about ways to be more green in the office, at home, out and about, etc… and she believed that when someone is “blogging” there is typically a theme associated with their blog.

So when she asked what the theme of my blog was, I was hard pressed to find a suitable answer. In the end I believe the consensus was that my personal blog are just any and every random thought that comes through my head that I just need to write out in some capacity or another otherwise I would be prone to over-thinking about said thought as opposed to placing said thought off to the side or back burner to focus on something else that is more pressing.

How’s that for a nice convoluted answer?

But really… why do I blog?
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Reflection: Since my original top ten “bucket list” is done… Now what?

This has been bothering me for a few years, a few as in the past three or four years… why? Well, let me explain:

While I was in college, I created a “Top Ten” bucket list that I felt was semi-realistic and would be something that would keep me busy for decades to come… right… “decades”. More like “decade”… as in one, as in less than a decade. Granted anyone that knows me well, know what I really want out of life… but in the meantime a bucket of things to do in the meantime would always help… right? Right… little did I know.

I have always believed in the willingness of trying anything at least once, possibly twice just to make sure the first wasn’t a fluke. Then, if it turns out to be something I truly enjoy, then I’ll pursue the activity further in the future, possibly bring more people into coming with me. If in the end it just wasn’t my cup of tea, then at least I could say that I gave it a shot. I mean think about it… If everyone did as much as they could just once in their lives they would find hundreds, if not thousands of things they could be interested in and pursue… Instead of just staying in a small little circle.

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