Reflection: From Words to Stage a Journey

It’s a little bit funny… This feeling inside…

Playwright's FestivalStill trying to decipher it, but nonetheless there is something to be said about seeing something that one has nurtured from a speck of an idea in one’s imagination to words on paper. Then to trust another party to take those words that you have already cut up, broken, chopped, sewn together, simmer, percolate, etc until it is ripe for someone to then cast actors and have them act those same words out for others to see…

There is just something incredibly profound about the process and I had the chance to see that happen on stage last night during the tech rehearsal prior to opening weekend.

Granted this was the tech rehearsal before the opening weekend starting on Thursday, February 20th. Normally I would be too scared, nervous, insecure about letting others see what has been sitting in my head all this time. To trust that what I have written is strong enough for others to be as moved by the piece as I have been in process, the journey of writing it.

However, as it is when others interpret one’s work, one’s interpretation is almost always guaranteed to be interpreted differently by another party. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not. The irony is that in the case of this particular script the actors / director’s interpretation was right on par with something I had already thought of earlier on in the process at some point in time.

In the case of one character, their interpretation was beyond anything I could have imagined (though in hindsight I probably should have) and how their interaction with other parties worked in this differing interpretation. Definitely not a bad thing, considering I believed them. The piece is something that I hope would cause the audience to think a little. To open their eyes a little of the reality of the world.

As for myself, well…

After this weekend I have the next series of steps planned… it is the matter of taking them, bit by bit. One small baby step after another small baby step. Wait, stop… I am getting ahead of myself. If you can see what I saw last night. Perhaps you will understand why this is the kind of story that needs to be expressed.

“Breaking Cycles” written by Marianya
Produced by Vero Voce
951 State Avenue
Saint Charles, Illinois
Thursday February 20th thru Saturday February 22nd at 8pm
Sunday February 23rd at 3pm

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