Reflection: If I Had Gone Into Teaching…

For the longest time I believed that I would have gone into teaching as my career. That didn’t happen despite my extensive resume working in education either as a tutor, counselor, orientation leader, academic adviser, credential specialist… well the list keeps going.

However, as much as I would have loved to be able there in the front lines to corrupt inspire young, impressionable minds I will have to admit that a part of me is rather relieved to not have gone through that particular route…

Moreso now after reading the CNN article about what teachers would love to tell parents.

There has been a growing wave against teachers by parents versus for… and it is appalling to see this transition over time. Now I do have several friends that are parents and there are certain situations when I understand the need to confront teachers (as it were) but for the most part… for the average student… no… not really.

This article focuses on three primary points:
1) Please quit with all the excuses
2) Parents, be a partner instead of a prosecutor
3) Teachers walking on eggshells

Now it is very easy for people to say that they are cooperating with the teachers, but are they really?

When there are memes going through the online world like:
Or this (borrowed from Archy: politics, fringe watching, and stuff)
Teacher time salary
Is it really any surprise that some of the most brilliant minds are not sharing their knowledge to the following generations?

I am all for the teaching community and they deserve an incredible amount of respect for all the hours they put in beyond the classroom, and being paid next to nothing for it. But if the community and society continues to treat them poorly… are we really all that surprised that those that could become the best teachers out there are shying away from the profession?

It is times like this where it is difficult to be a “proud American”… but that’s a different story.

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