Daily Archives: 4 March 2013

Endeavor: Getting Back into the (Workout) Groove

So a friend of mine has been participating in a nationwide event called: Health Kwest… put together by Genghis Grill.

From their website:

Health Kwest is Genghis Grill’s Healthy-Influenced campaign where we adopt one contestant per location to eat Genghis Grill once a day, for 60 days all while losing weight, exercising and completing social media tasks.

My friend applied and is now representing the Wheaton Genghis Grill… and I am very proud of him.

He keeps up a Tumblr with various blog posts about what bowls he has put together, the various social media tasks and other odds and ends and thoughts and promises to do so from now until at least the end of the 60 day journey.

So, naturally, as a friend I will do what I can to help him out and well… join him in various group classes because I am cray cray like that. Well that and the fact that it is far more fun to workout with friends than by yourself.

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