Fleeting: Nhã Uyên Fashion

Finally! My aunt (dad’s eldest sister) has a website up and running: Nhã Uyên Fashion.

In fact, ever since I visited Vietnam for the first time… I have had pants made by her and I have never gone back to wearing or purchasing any slacks in America since. Yes, I am a very happy camper.

Some of my favorite blouses and shirts come from my aunt, or replicated from her fashion house. So yes… I may be a little bias.

In other news:

My uncle in Kentucky recently opens his own learning center, taking everything he learned from a decade of working as a franchisee of Kumon to create the HoViet Learning Center.

In fact… I have an open invite that if by some twist of fate I move down to his neck of the woods… I’ll get his students that need help in Calculus on up. Since apparently I am from a very small group of people that understands that subject matter…. but that’s a post for another day.

If you were to look at the top bar to the right there is a link: “Memorial”

This is a family website commemorating the passing of my paternal grandparents. But I won’t go into any more detail since I have already written a few posts on the subject in the past.

So anyway… I think that is it of family business… Moving on…

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