Update 2023 July 20:

Still been doing ONLINE READINGS so that hasn’t changed, except perhaps the frequency.

An older version of my adaptation of Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Laclos has been adapted into a Zoom Play for Zoom Shakespeare Productions based in Texas. Being in the rehearsals for that production have been fun, watching the actors discover their characters, the directors mold their vision.

I’ll provide info to see this production online here as soon as I have it. The premiere is set for 2023 July 30th.

As for live theatre? I am actively working to take steps away from that so I could focus on writing / adapting some more, mainly because I have ideas and plans and I intend to see them followed thru… so watch this space for details.

Now just a little bit about myself…

Engineer . . . Thespian . . . Writer

What can be considered as fairly middle of the road for most people is what I consider to be fairly middle of the road for me during my free time.

Wait, free time?

Well, yeah… as in the above is what I do outside of my day job. You know, during the work nights, weekends, whenever I have a free moment?

Then what do I do during the day? The best way for me to answer that for you would be with the following:

I am married to engineering and am its faithful wife by day, but at night my wanderlust takes hold and the arts becomes my jealous paramour.

Still confused? How about this?

Engineering is my safety net. Writing is my passion. Acting is my escape when the other two become too much.

I would never claim to be multi-talented by any stretch of the imagination. More of a “jack of all trades – master of none”. I know, depressing isn’t it?

Nevertheless keep stopping by so you can keep up with what I have been up to lately, since that seems to change as regularly as the weather in Chicago.